The Colorado SBDC Network has been chosen to be an assistance site for Connect for Health Colorado™, the new online marketplace where individuals and small employers in Colorado can shop, compare, pick and purchase health insurance plans and apply for financial help to reduce costs. Certified Health Coverage Guides are available at the Colorado Springs SBDC to meet with small business owners one-on-one for no cost assistance to help you navigate the new marketplace.
Small businesses and non-profit organizations with 2-50 full-time employees can use the marketplace to provide their employees with quality health insurance. You will be able to choose from a broad range of health plans, all offering comprehensive coverage, so you can shop with confidence. All health plans will cover, at a minimum, a package of services such as preventative and wellness care, emergency care, behavioral health services and prescription drugs. The marketplace will provide side-by-side comparisons of health plan benefits and premiums. Small employers will have the opportunity to offer their employees a multi-carrier, multi-plan menu of choices previously not available in the small business market. In addition, some small employers may qualify for a tax credit to offset up to 50 percent of the premiums paid by employers for their employees and their dependents.
Click here to request a free appointment with a Health Coverage Guide. Our certified consultants are available to meet in person or over the phone so you can begin navigating the marketplace with confidence.
You can also visit or call 855-PLANS-4-YOU for assistance.